5 Top Tips To Unlock Your Creative Genius
/Being a creative genius comes with great responsibility and often many challenges as you may have discovered.
Let’s have a look at some of them.
You turn one-dimensional black and white into two or four dimensional colour.
You are a risk taker.
You are able to easily adapt to change because of your desire for versality.
You see yourself as ‘other’.
You feel compelled to create.
You can be prone to mental illness because of your sensitivity yet create outstanding emotional works of art in spite of it.
You are unafraid of making mistakes but often fear the judgement from others.
You see chaos yet make creative sense of it.
You have a vision for the world and this passion means that you don’t care who (dis)agrees.
You are a night owl that creates your vision.
But what if you’re having a lull right now and it’s not looking quite so bright.
Could you use some inspiration?
Well, fear not because here are my 5 top tips to help you unlock and re-ignite your creative genius.
Take a nap and sleep on it
A study published in Nature by Wagner et al (2004), found that people who slept on a creative task were more successful than those who remained awake to solve it.
When we sleep, our unconscious mind which holds our forgotten experiences, emotions, ideas and memories gets a chance to restructure information without the conscious mind getting in the way.
This is a great time to discover new and insightful thoughts. Don’t forget to grab a pen and paper before you go down though to capture it all.
Use your down time
In true creative genius style, this is about doing things outside of the box.
If you are usually a morning person, why not consider creating at evening or night time and if night time is your usual creation time, what could happen if you considered creating in the morning or afternoon?
This is beneficial because when you are at your most groggy, your analytical conscious mind is suboptimal and your unconscious mind has more freedom to reign supreme. This is backed up by research from Weith et all (2011).
So as alien and non-conducive as it may seem, utilising your less optimal times might actually produce some great creative results.
You won’t know though until you experiment with it and if you like this idea, why not keep it going until you find a time that works for you.
If it doesn’t quite work out then don’t be afraid to simply let it go.
Having a shower or taking a bath has been proven to relax the mind and unlock the creative juices. Creativity expert Scott Kaufmann found that 72% of people reported having a breakthrough in the shower.
To ensure that you never miss a thought, why not source some waterproof writing utensils to jot down whatever evolves.
Practice doing nothing
Are you constantly on the go, chasing your next task, gig, appointment or goal?
By taking time to pause for an hour, a day or longer where possible, you will help to reset your brain, relax your mind, giving yourself the opportunity to declutter and let your imagination flow.
There’s something very powerful about stillness and what it can reveal.
Step out of norm
Is it time to do things differently to your norm?
Do what scares you or something that’s out of character for you.
What might happen if you stepped into a new environment, or said yes to something before you’re quite ready? It can be very scary yes but wow it can also facilitate positive growth and foster self-learning.
Take the time to step out of your comfort zone and feel yourself magically come alive!