Photo Credit: Yogarise, London
Being a Creative…
… allows you to have freedom of self-expression.
It invokes a sense of curiosity and a wider perspective on life.
It can also mean that you overthink, spend countless days with unresolved thoughts, feelings of low self-worth, moments of hopelessness and daily worries due to unrealised dreams and the fear of judgement.
One of many common myths is that to be creative, you must have flair and work in the arts. The reality though is that we’re all being creative in some way every day. For example, every time you problem solve, brainstorm ideas with deliberate evaluation of their efficacy or think outside the box - you’re being creative. So you don’t have to work in it to be it!
As a professional creative exploring daily in writing blogs and articles, broadcasting weekly on a local radio station (Riverside Radio), creating podcasts and delivering voiceover work, I fully grasp the emotional de-railing that can occur. Having also been a trained dancer with brief exposure to the performing industry, I completely understand how important a healthy working environment is to your mental health.
My own journey of questioning, vulnerability, exploring and being unconventional has brought up its own fair share of emotional backlash and self-criticism.
What’s helped me along the way, though has been the understanding that once I mastered my emotions and started to comprehend them, I was and am very capable of creating absolutely anything I desire. I’ve realised that I have everything I need to evolve, including the ability to seek inspiring support when I don’t.
photo credit: YOGARISE LONDON
This learning is the drive for The Creative Genius and exactly why I created a therapeutic service just for you.
I offer psychotherapy, coaching, facilitation, consultation and have written a Continued Professional Development (CPD) course in support of those working with, in contact with or living with trauma. I work with creatives just like you, whose emotions slowly debilitate and prevent them from courageously tapping into their genius.
Somatically, I also support your physical sensations for a deeper connection to your body together with the cultivation and consistent physical awareness of your daily lived experiences.
You may consider yourself to be a hobbyist creative or perhaps it’s your profession. Either way, I will work with YOU rather than your hobby or job.
I believe that as a creative, you deserve the right to master your own emotions: to understand what you think, how you feel and why you behave the way you do. Once you make sense of this, you can start to make sense of your world around you and those within it, using tools like self-acceptance and self-compassion. These can be such supportive tools for your journey thus cultivating a life curated on your terms with acceptance, forgiveness and love.
Why not reach out to me for a chat about working together here or simply visit my Contact Page for a quicker way to connect. Alternatively, simply WhatsApp me on 07957 319117.
When I’m not emotionally serving creatives, I’m volunteering for Adult Literacy Trust (ALT) as a Reading Coach to adults. Outside of that, you can find me emotionally serving myself as I hang out with my husband, care for family elders, enjoy a cat video or two for somatic soothing, indulge in weekly Thai massages, read, learn, gym, spa, holiday, enjoy nature, practice kindness and love, feel inspired by music, films and boxsets, take up new hobbies to learn like a child again for brain stimulation, dance, practice yoga/Pilates, enjoy good food, practice quiet time, seek joy and laugh loads with friends and family.
All of this supports who I choose to be every day.
For an extensive list of qualifications and certifications, please visit LinkedIn.