The Creative Genius

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Why Yoga At Home During COVID-19?

I joined a 24/7 gym because I love the idea of training physically whenever I want.

Being a service provider that serves people during their down times, my schedule isn't your typical 9-5pm.

This means that when my day finishes around 10pm week days, most gyms are closing around 11pm.

When I want to hit the gym early morning before my day starts, most gyms are opening around 6am. Ideally, I'd like to be there before 5am.

So, it felt like I had no control over when I wanted to train!

Of course, this was all before lockdown.

So I improvised and designed my own ‘gym’ at home.

I included a yoga practice that suited my body and dug out my dynabands and commited to some floor work.

I got creative on the cardio side too by investing in a pedal only bike (so no seat) but if I'm completely honest, I wasn't impressed!

I realised how much I thoroughly enjoyed the bikes, crosstrainers and treadmills at the gym to challenge my heart.

I wasn't about to go running outside any time soon because years of high impact cardio including running have worn out my knees.

And cycling on London roads wasn't even an option.

More importantly, I didn't even own a bike anymore!

So, the only thing floating my boat about training at home was the ease of my yoga practice.

A simple mat and me.

I saw this as my time to check in with the whole of me and let me reassure you.

I'm not letting go of it any time soon.

Here's why…

10 Reasons To Practice Yoga At Home

  1. Yoga at Home is Low impact.

    Yoga contains high intensity poses rather than high impact ones so your joints remain protected throughout each practice.

    Even in dynamic styles, the movements come from the control of your core so having control here supports poses that take a body part away from the earth, for example dynamic chataranga (jump back press ups), handstands, arm balances.

    So, as well as being kind to your joints, yoga is also kind to those living around you especially if you live in a flat or share a house.

  2. Yoga At Home Can Be Practised Anywhere.

    The great thing about yoga is that as long as you can stand with your arms over your head, out to your sides or lie down with your arms above your head, you have the space to self practise.

    If, for whatever reasons you're unable to extend your limbs, it's still possible.

    So as long as you can fit, yoga can be practised in even the smallest of spaces.

  3. Yoga At Home Relieves Anxiety.

    Yoga is a wonderful refuge during these uncertain COVID-19 times because it can be used as your safety net with or wIthout a mat.

    It can offer you a space of calm and moments of relief during panic episodes.

    This is because the power of yoga draws you away from external forces and encourages you to gaze inside… in the present moment.

    When you do this, you tend to be less distracted by what you believe you can't control and more focused on accepting the here and now.

    This is an excellent remedy for anxiety and depression because the stress hormone cortisol is reduced with a regular yoga practice bringing you to a place of peace and calm as the body's restorative functions are activated.

  4. Yoga At Home Supports Your Sleep.

    Melatonin is the hormone released to regulate the body's internal clock.

    When your body becomes filled with worry, stress and fear, it can disrupt your natural sleep/wake cycle.

    Yoga at home boosts melatonin levels thus aiding a restful night’s sleep, supporting mental and physical well-being and most importantly for these times, boosting your immune system.

    Practiced just before beditme, yoga at home means that you can simply roll off your mat and into the comfort of your own bed…. Or someone elses lol.

  5. Yoga At Home Gives You Strength.

    Let's not forget that certain yoga poses like standing and inversions create muscle contractions that force the muscle or muscle groups to hold you and meet the demand.

    This is the principle of gaining strength and yoga is designed to stimulate muscle growth when regularly practiced by working more than one muscle at the same time.

    It's actually the only form of physical fitness that does this in a balanced way.

    Not only that, the force on the muscles is transmitted to your bones thus building bone density, warding off osteoporosis in later years and improving bone health today.

    If that wasn't enough, any sweat you emit from practising yoga cleanses the body of toxins and the satisfied feeling of powerful achievement releases the feel good hormone endorphin.

    What's not to like?

    All in the comfort of your own home!

  6. Yoga At Home Develops Flexibility.

    If you're a creative who finds themself hunched over a phone, laptop, drawing table, PC or other then practising yoga at home is your perfect antidote.

    Tight and contracted muscles create neck ache, back ache, hip ache and sciatica caused by buttock tightness.

    Stretching, lengthening and loosening muscles wards off musculoskeletal damage and poor posture plus it improves your overall range of motion and balance.

  7. Yoga At Home Is Your Safe Space.

    The power of yoga is that it provides opportunity and space to turn your gaze inwards.

    Here you can foster your thoughts, habits and behaviours for self-reflection and self-evaluation.

    Practicing at home cultivates a more comfortable environment where you can fully disconnect from outside distractions and completely turn inwards to focus on breath and shifting thoughts.

    As wonderful as a studio practice can be, there is something extremely personal and intimate about practicing undisturbed, in your own safe space and without the rustling of another practitioner close to you.

  8. Yoga At Home Gives You Schedule Control.

    Provided you've got your commitment to yourself pretty downpacked, yoga can really take the pressure away from rushing to the studio, needing more deadline time or finding child care.

    It's the perfect companion to practicing effective time management skills.

  9. Yoga At Home Doesn't Judge.

    Who knows whether the person to your left in the studio class is actually judging you… but in your world, it's definitely happening, right?

    Yoga at home takes away the internal struggle that can come from believing you must fit into a yoga ‘shape’ or do more.

    It gives you the time and space to foster self awareness and appreciation for what your body can do rather than what you think it can't.

    You can take your time and move how ever the moment suggests.

    I think this cultivates a beautiful opportunity to test your boundaries or pull back where you might otherwise have felt compelled to engage.

  10. Yoga At Home Is For Everyone.

    So, this is completely true but it must be said that not everyone wants yoga at home.

    If however you do, it can be extremely resssuring to know that how ever you turn up on your mat each time, you'll be wholeheartedly and non-judgementally accepted.

    Realising this can teach you to trust that whatever's revealed in each moment is exactly what should be.

    There's absolutely no fixing that needs doing.

    All you need is an intention of practice, openness and a commitment ready to receive.

If you would like to join me for some Yoga At Home practise, then it's as easy as clicking here.

Can't wait to see you on the mat!